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The benefits of
wool and fingerless gloves

I source all my wool from charity shops. I love browsing through the rails of clothes to see if I can find a woollen sweater or cardigan. And when I find a specific colour that I am missing or a particularly beautiful patterned one I immediately start thinking about what I am going to make out of it. Most of the sweaters are 100% wool, although occasionally if I come across an unusual pattern or colour I will go down to 80% but never less than that.


When I get home I wash and dry the sweaters. And only after that do I cut them up and start combining them with other colours.


Wool is a fantastic material! It doesn't wrinkle, doesn't get dirty easily and retains its shape well. Wool repels moisture, but even when it's wet it keeps you warm and you can't feel the wetness like you do with other materials. It is also flame resistant. And most of all it helps us stay warm by keeping a layer of air next to our skin.


Wool allergy? I have had several clients with an allergy to wool who have been very happy with my  gloves. My long gloves are lined with cotton all the way through, so the wool never touches your skin. Some of the short gloves are not, so please let me know if you are allergic to wool and we can discuss which gloves are suitable for you.   


My best-selling products are the fingerless gloves/wrist warmers. I have lined the inside with cotton jersey for extra warmth and comfort. This takes away the itchiness of wool but still keeps you warm. The gloves are very popular, not least with people who are allergic to wool, kids and fussy adults like myself. They are so soft and warm that you simply don't want to take them off! I wear them indoors as wrist warmers - I simply pull my thumb in and pull the glove down onto my wrist, and I am still warm but my hands are free to do housework, work at the computer, send text messages and other day-to-day activities. And when I go out, I pull them up over my fingers again and I am ready for a long walk, driving, going shopping or having fun with my kids!


Wrist warmers help adjust your body temperature and are known to be good when you for example have arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome or Raynaud's syndrome. When your wrists are warm your whole body feels warmer. They help keep you warm when working on the computer, cycling, camping, dog walking, when using your mobile phone, playing an instrument - whenever you want to keep warm but need your fingers to be free. Their uses are endless and the benefits are many.


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